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World Community Grid

#1 Post by rebirther » 21.07.2006, 08:12

Neues Unterprojekt: Help Defeat Cancer
For the BOINC Agent:

or the Help Defeat Cancer project, the minimum requirements are:

* An Intel or AMD x86 processor (For Windows or Linux) or Intel or PowerPC (for Mac)
* At least 750 MB of RAM (virtual memory should also be enabled)
* 650 MB of hard disk space available for use
* An Internet connection
* Operating System: Linux, Windows or Mac OS/X
ganz schön heftig...
Last edited by rebirther on 17.11.2006, 08:57, edited 1 time in total.

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#2 Post by rebirther » 06.10.2006, 09:31

FightAIDS@home jetzt mit Grafik!

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#3 Post by rebirther » 17.11.2006, 08:56

Neues Unterprojekt: Genome Comparison
Welcome to the “Genome Comparison” project. Your contribution will provide valuable information to researchers around the world, studying proteins function and their roles in disease processes while also contributing to discoveries in medicine and biology. The project is finding, in a consistent and comprehensive manner, all possible similarities between predicted proteins from all of the known genome sequences decoded to date. We thank all of the members of World Community Grid for their valuable contribution to this exciting project from Brasil.

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#4 Post by rebirther » 20.12.2006, 18:07

Wieder ein neues Unterprojekt:
Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy

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#5 Post by rebirther » 24.12.2006, 08:05

Wegen eines Festplattenfehlers und einer langen Wiederherstellungsphasse ist WCG zur Zeit "down".

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#6 Post by rebirther » 07.01.2007, 20:41

HDC 5.14 -Help Defeat Cancer-Screenshot, pro WU ca. 315MB RAM


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#7 Post by rebirther » 03.04.2007, 17:56

Projekt "Help Defeat Cancer (Krebsforschung)" wurde beendet!
next cancer research project launched in May or June

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#8 Post by rebirther » 14.05.2007, 10:04

Die letzten WUs und einige im pending bekamen jetzt ein "error". Wahrscheinlich muckt der Validator wieder, das betrifft soweit ich gelesen habe FAAH und Genome Comparison. Auch die Deadline ging runter auf 2 Tage, wer die Nummer 3 oder 4 einer WU bekommt, mal die Results checken, ansonsten vorerst pausieren.

Validator geht wieder richtig und die "error" gekennzeichneten wurden validiert

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#9 Post by rebirther » 29.06.2007, 22:50

In ein paar Wochen endet das nächste Subprojekt:

Genome Comparison. Schade, war mein Hauptprojekt mit, kurz und wenig RAM :?

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#10 Post by rebirther » 17.08.2007, 21:01

WCG wird demnächst komplett auf BOINC umsteigen, alle UD Clients sind somit Geschichte:
BOINC Migration Announcement

World Community Grid is pleased to announce our BOINC migration plan. BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Networking Computing) is a software platform for volunteer computing and desktop grid computing.

World Community Grid members currently have the option of participating using either the United Devices (UD) or BOINC clients. While approximately 67% of devices are running on UD and 33% on BOINC at this time, this mix is changing with a greater proportion of new devices registering using BOINC (80%) than UD (20%).

The UD software helped launch World Community Grid with MetaProcessor 3.0. However, this version is no longer being supported by United Devices. Over the past 18 months we’ve been developing our BOINC strategy to ensure a secure, trouble free and user friendly environment for World Community Grid.

As part of this planning, you may have noticed many BOINC enhancements and new functionality on World Community Grid including: the BOINC simple GUI, the results status page, the ability to conduct large scale Beta testing with volunteers, the ability to select preferred projects, and the ability to control the CPU throttle via the website.

We would like to announce, effective immediately, that World Community Grid is migrating fully to BOINC. BOINC is a vibrant open source platform and should provide many years of service to World Community Grid.

Elements of the migration plan are as follows:

UD Platform:
1. World Community Grid’s two active projects, FightAIDS@Home and Human Proteome Folding 2, will continue to run on UD (in addition to BOINC).
2. Our plan is to run these projects on UD at least through the end of 2007 but no later than mid-2008.
3. No new projects will be available on the UD platform.
4. Before the end of October 2007, we plan to remove UD as one of the registration options.

BOINC Platform:
1. FightAIDS@Home and Human Proteome Folding 2 will run on BOINC until each of these projects end (in addition to running on UD).
2. All new projects will be available on BOINC Windows, Linux, and Mac.

Migration from UD to BOINC:

World Community Grid is asking members with devices on UD to begin migrating to BOINC at their convenience. The steps involved in migrating from UD to BOINC are as follows:

1. At the present time:
a. Uninstall UD:
Right click on World Community Grid’s icon in the lower right corner of your desktop tray and select "Exit.” This will stop the agent. Then you should be able to use the Windows Add/Remove program to remove “World Community Grid Agent”.

b. Register on BOINC:
• Go to World Community Grid’s home page and make sure that you are signed in.
• Click on the Join Now button.
• On the download page, the "BOINC for Windows" has been preset as the default. Scroll down and press the "continue" button.
• Follow the installer instructions.

2. After we modify the installer:
To simplify the migration from UD to BOINC, World Community Grid is modifying the installer to automatically uninstall UD from the device being registered as part of the BOINC registration. This feature should be available prior to the end of September, 2007 and will provide an easier migration path for members. We will let members know that this is available via the forum and a newsletter.

Mass Installations:
Members who have multiple devices installed on UD will be provided with documentation about how to do a mass-installation using BOINC. This document will be posted to the website prior to the end of October, 2007.

The BOINC migration will be communicated to all members through a number of vehicles. It will be described through World Community Grid’s newsletter, which will be published in September of 2007. The newsletter article about the migration will target UD members and will provide them with information on migrating themselves to BOINC.

After September, 2007, we will continue to mention the migration in all World Community Grid email communications until all members are off of UD or until UD is no longer supported on World Community Grid.

During the first half of 2008, we also will send periodic reminders to members still returning results on UD that they need to migrate to BOINC. This communication will tell them the name of the computers running UD and the time that the last result was returned.

Information about BOINC:
Comprehensive information about the BOINC client was published in the March 2007 newsletter . You can review this information here.

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#11 Post by rebirther » 20.08.2007, 20:26

Neues Unterprojekt:
Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together
(Launched August 21, 2007)
Scientists from The University of Texas Medical Branch and the University of Chicago have joined with World Community Grid researchers to combat some of the most widespread viral diseases in the developed and developing world. The project's immediate goal is to uncover novel drugs to cure dengue hemorrhagic fever, hepatitis C, West Nile encephalitis, and Yellow fever; these diseases result from infection with viruses from the family Flaviviridae.

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#12 Post by rebirther » 01.09.2007, 16:06

Systemanforderungen wurden mal aufgelistet:
What are the recommended minimum system specifications for the BOINC agent on Windows?
Each research project we run on the World Community Grid has different minimum machine requirements.

For Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together, the minimum requirements are:

At least 250 MB RAM (with virtual memory enabled)
600 MB Hard Disk Drive with at least 50 MB available for use
The ability to display 8-bit graphics at 800x600 resolution
An Internet connection with minimum 40 kbps speed
Operating System: Windows 98, ME, 2000 or XP

For FightAIDS@Home, the minimum requirements are:

At least 250 MB RAM (with virtual memory enabled)
600 MB Hard Disk Drive with at least 50 MB available for use
The ability to display 8-bit graphics at 800x600 resolution
An Internet connection with minimum 40 kbps speed
Operating System: Windows 98, ME, 2000 or XP

For the Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2 project, the minimum requirements are:
At least 250 MB RAM (with virtual memory enabled)
600 MB Hard Disk Drive with at least 100 MB available for use
The ability to display 8-bit graphics at 800x600 resolution
An Internet connection with minimum 40 kbps speed
Operating System: Windows 98, ME, 2000 or XP

What are the recommended minimum system specifications for a Linux system?
Each research project we run on the World Community Grid has different minimum machine requirements.

For AfricanClimate@Home, the minimum requirements are:

At least 256 MB RAM (with virtual memory enabled)
1 GB Hard Disk Drive space available for use
The ability to display 8-bit graphics at 800x600 resolution
An Internet connection with minimum 756 kbps speed
Operating System: Linux

For Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together, the minimum requirements are:

At least 250 MB RAM (with virtual memory enabled)
600 MB Hard Disk Drive with at least 50 MB available for use
The ability to display 8-bit graphics at 800x600 resolution
Operating System: Linux

For FightAIDS@Home, the minimum requirements are:
At least 250 MB RAM (with virtual memory enabled)
600 MB Hard Disk Drive with at least 50 MB available for use
The ability to display 8-bit graphics at 800x600 resolution
Operating System: Linux

For the Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2 project, the minimum requirements are:
At least 250 MB RAM (with virtual memory enabled)
600 MB Hard Disk Drive with at least 100 MB available for use
The ability to display 8-bit graphics at 800x600 resolution
Operating System: Linux

What are the recommended minimum system specifications for a Mac system?
Each research project we run on the World Community Grid has different minimum machine requirements.

For Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together, the minimum requirements are:

An Intel or PowerPC processor
At least 250 MB RAM (with virtual memory enabled)
600 MB Hard Disk Drive with at least 50 MB available for use
The ability to display 8-bit graphics at 800x600 resolution
Operating System: OS/X

For FightAIDS@Home, the minimum requirements are:

An Intel or PowerPC processor
At least 250 MB RAM (with virtual memory enabled)
600 MB Hard Disk Drive with at least 50 MB available for use
The ability to display 8-bit graphics at 800x600 resolution
Operating System: OS/X

For the Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2 project, the minimum requirements are:
An Intel processor
At least 250 MB RAM (with virtual memory enabled)
600 MB Hard Disk Drive with at least 100 MB available for use
The ability to display 8-bit graphics at 800x600 resolution
Operating System: OS/X

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#13 Post by rebirther » 09.09.2007, 15:27

Dear Members,

We wanted to let you know we have added a description on the FightAIDS@Home web site of the new experiments we are about to start running. To read more, go to ... XPERIMENTS.

This is a very exciting development because, for the first time, we will be able to model the flexibility of the HIV Protease molecule, as well as the candidate drug molecules. This opens up the possibility of discovering completely new kinds of Protease Inhibitors...

Thank you, again, to everyone who has contributed: we have completed more than 53,000 years-worth of calculations already! And thank you to everyone who continues to contribute. We are very grateful.

Dr Garrett M. Morris

(Member of the Molecular Graphics Laboratory)

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#14 Post by rebirther » 02.11.2007, 00:03

Schon wieder ein neues Unterprojekt:
Help Conquer Cancer

Mehr Infos hier

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#15 Post by rebirther » 15.01.2008, 20:57

Website Updates for Jan 14, 2008

We have several new features and enhancements to announce as part of the latest update to the website. Read on for more details.

- There is now a Recent News section under the News and Media part of About Us that will be updated with new articles and other news about World Community Grid.

- A Marketing Toolkit section has been added to the website under About Us. There is also a link on the home page to make this section easier to find. The Marketing Toolkit contains two sub-sections:
1) A page which contains presentations, posters and other assets which can be used by partners and members to help recruiting efforts.
2) A 'World Community Grid Widget'. This widget can be configured to suit a users needs on this page. It allows the user to use 1 of 4 different World Community Grid logos, choose to show either team or member stats, choose to show runtime, points or number of results, choose to show their rank or not and choose whether or not to show the current list of active projects. The user can then take the HTML provided and add it to their website and be able to advertise World Community Grid and share their latest team or user level stats. The widget page can also be found on the left nav of the My Grid section. For more information and an example, please see the FAQ.

- Members will now be awarded a 'badge' when they have contributed 14 days of CPU time to a project. These badges will appear next to the member's name in the forums, on the member compare, member information, and My Grid pages.

- The public facing statistics pages are now available in XML format. If you are interested in learning more, please see the FAQ that explains how to get the XML version.

- The Beta Testing project status has been changed from 'Beta' to 'Intermittent'

- The forum links have been updated on the sitemap

- A change was made to the BOINC scheduler that will attempt to link a computer with a previous registration of the same computer. This will reduce the number of duplicate device registrations created for members.

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#16 Post by rebirther » 03.02.2008, 09:42

We are in the process of increasing the actual scientific calculations that happen through World Community Grid on Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together. Right now the average runtime per day is lower than the other 3 projects with consistent work. We would like this distribution to be equal between the projects.

As for the removal of the Quorum redundancy, we are working on fair method of distributing points and validating the work is proper. Validating that the calculations were proper is our highest priority though.

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#17 Post by rebirther » 15.02.2008, 19:20

Im März hat WCG zu einen neuen Rennen aufgerufen, das "Bunny Race":

Liste der teilzunehmenden Teams: ... engeId=821

Simap dürfte bis dahin keine Arbeit mehr haben, leider ist die Creditausbeute zwischen Linux und Windows alles andere als fair, die meisten Teams werden schon vorher sich den Cache füllen und erst ab den Beginn des Rennens reporten, wieder ein Punkt der unfair ist.

Der größte Vorteil für das Projekt ist nur die immense Rechenleistung in einem Monat, da die größten Teams teilnehmen werden. Trotzdem prophezeie ich schon den einen oder anderen Serverausfall.

Na denn, Team da anmelden oder nicht, dafür bräuchten wir schon mehr Leute...

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#18 Post by rebirther » 08.03.2008, 09:07

Website Updates for March 6, 2008

- As per the BOINC Migration plan, the option to download the United Devices software has been removed from the download page. World Community Grid will begin sending E-mails to members who are still returning results from computers with the United Devices software encouraging them to migrate to the BOINC software.
Man sieht, wie schnell sich BOINC etablieren kann, der normale Standalone UD Client wurde jetzt von der Webseite entfernt.

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#19 Post by rebirther » 31.03.2008, 09:23

Das Unterprojekt "AfricanClimate@home" soll demnächst beendet werden.

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#20 Post by rebirther » 12.05.2008, 23:26

neues Unterprojekt: Nutritious Rice for the World
The objective of this project is to predict the structure of proteins of major strains of rice. The objective of this project is to predict the structure of proteins of major strains of rice.

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