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#1 Post by DoctorNow » 24.06.2020, 19:51

EIn neues Projekt ist aufgetaucht:

Kenne MineCraft leider nur vom Namen her, hab das nie gespielt und weiß deshalb nicht, ob die Anwendungen wirklich was damit zu tun haben, aber der Funktionsweise wie in den News erklärt glaube ich das eher nicht.
Derzeit sind zwei Anwendungen verfügbar, beide allerdings nur für GPU. Arbeit gibt's derzeit nur für eine App.
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Re: MineCraft@Home

#2 Post by Ralfy » 26.06.2020, 18:24

Danke, ich probiere es mal aus.

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Re: MineCraft@Home

#3 Post by DoctorNow » 02.08.2020, 14:58

Odicin hat den Wiki-Eintrag vorgenommen, den Thread verschiebe ich jetzt in die Informatik-Sparte.

Edit: Informatik gibt's ja noch gar nicht, also erstmal in die Sonstigen...
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Re: MineCraft@Home

#4 Post by odicin » 28.12.2022, 06:45

Bei diesem Projekt gibt es schon seit Ende 2021 keine Arbeit mehr, den Grund werde ich hier mal zur Sicherheit noch vermerken, falls es dann doch irgendwann verschwindet...
[..] This situation, along with the reduced ability to dedicate our free-time to projects from external and internal factors means that we might have a slower period of announcements and minimal administration of projects in the New Year, until or unless new blood can be found or major, exciting discoveries are presented. There are so many techniques, tasks and knowledge one must keep in their minds when working on and with Minecraft@Home, making it difficult for some of us to both train and retain possible new members of our development, testing and project teams. Many are too inexperienced, young or busy to become accustomed to our project's (chaotic at times) development processes and cycles, and so it leads me to wonder personally what we can do to improve this, or how long we can continue running the projects. We're not having a computational resource problem, but a human (and hyena!) resource related one. Not enough meat in some places, we got the bones still in these big seedfinding steaks, but they're not as juicy or fresh as they once were.

Regardless, I feel I can say that we're not going away yet, or within the next half year. You and I may need to keep our expectations smaller and more realistic, and there may be chances that a lot of work done on an unknown, future project is for 'nothing'... aside from knowing that either some code is wrong, or that quite literally, something is truly impossible due to time, resources or lack of possibility of occurring.[..]

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Re: MineCraft@Home

#5 Post by odicin » 18.06.2023, 13:07

Die Seite ist seit 12.06. offline. Ich gehe daher davon aus, daß das Projekt damit dauerhaft beendet ist. -> Verschoben zu beendet.

Gruß Odi

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Re: MineCraft@Home

#6 Post by odicin » 11.01.2025, 17:55

Lebenszeichen von Minecraft@Home...
Minecraft@Home is Back with New CPU Work – Get Involved Before It's Gone!
We’re excited to announce that Minecraft@Home has returned with fresh CPU-based workunits! However, just like the Minecraft universe itself, our computing needs can shift rapidly. While the current tasks are available now, they won’t last forever, so we encourage everyone to get involved while you can.

At Minecraft@Home, our projects vary over time, and sometimes we don’t need as much (or any) computing power. This is one of those moments where we have specific tasks ready for processing, but once they’re completed, the work will wrap up—until our next big discovery awaits! Your contributions will be crucial in helping us achieve our current goals, but remember, the window of opportunity might close sooner than expected.

Earn Your Badge of Honor!

As a token of appreciation for all the contributions, we’re introducing badges for each app we launch! By simply participating and running tasks for any specific app, you will automatically earn a badge—symbolizing your hard work and contribution to that particular project. Whether you're a veteran or new to Minecraft@Home, these badges will serve as a lasting reminder of your involvement in our unique discoveries.

Note: Badges may not be implemented for each app immediately and do take at least 24 hrs to populate after you run an applicable task. Do not fret if you don't see it yet.

Current Apps Running on Minecraft@Home:

One of the exciting apps we're running is HDWGH SSG, short for "How Did We Get Here Set Seed Glitchless." This app is dedicated to filtering data to find the ideal seed for speedrunning Minecraft in the highly competitive category where players must obtain the rare advancement "How Did We Get Here." This advancement is considered one of the most complex to achieve in Minecraft, requiring a player to juggle multiple status effects simultaneously. With HDWGH SSG, we aim to uncover the perfect seed that will allow speedrunners to maximize their efficiency in completing this challenging category.

Another active project is Pano121, short for 1.21 Panorama. This app focuses on finding carver seeds, which represent a specific type of internal seed-state in Minecraft. These carver seeds are of particular interest because they match the iconic trial chamber scene shown in the background panorama of the 1.21 update. Minecraft players who love the art and atmosphere of the game's ever-changing panoramas will find this project especially intriguing, as we're searching for seeds that capture the exact features seen in one of Minecraft's latest visual showcases.

Join us now and help push the boundaries of Minecraft exploration! Don’t miss your chance to contribute while the work is still available.

Keep mining for knowledge,
The Minecraft@Home Team
12 Sep 2024, 23:21:02 UTC

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Re: MineCraft@Home

#7 Post by odicin » 18.01.2025, 08:17

Aktuell wird vom Projekt seit langer Zeit wieder GPU-Work verteilt.

Gruß Odi
High error rate on 'Loneliest Seed' tasks for older GPUs
Hi everyone,

I wanted to put this out there as I'm seeing a high error rate on tasks running on older GPUs.

I've spent a chunk of time digging into these, and the most prevalent error is a launch timeout error from the cuda driver.
This is a possible indication of either hardware failure, or a buggy driver.

If you see a lot of "Error 702" failing tasks, please update your drivers to the latest possible for your OS and video card, as there's potentially an issue with your current driver preventing work from completing on your card.

Please let us know if you have any questions, or need any help determining the issue.

17 Jan 2025, 5:02:26 UTC · Kommentieren

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