recommended version/empfohlene Version

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recommended version/empfohlene Version

#1 Post by rebirther » 12.05.2006, 07:12

5.4.9 Windows
5.4.9 Linux
BOINC now lets you use 'Account managers' - special web sites that let you browse BOINC projects, attach/detach, change resource share and settings, all with point-and-click simplicity. Account managers are also great if you have several computers - you just have to make changes once. A couple of excellent account managers are nearly ready for use; stay tuned to the BOINC web site for details.
Fixes a bug where a personal firewall prevents the BOINC screensaver from running, causing your computer to lock up.
General preferences can be overridden by a local file details are here.
BOINC now alerts you whenever it needs you to create a network connection.
SOCKS5 proxies are now supported.
Changes since 5.4.8
Changed the master url messages from errors to warnings.
Changes since 5.4.7
Notify the firewall and security packages of the screensaver's need to communicate with the client when the manager launches to avoid screensaver lockups due to the firewall and security packages.
Fix the wizard when running on the Mac so that all the text can be displayed.
Changes since 5.4.6
Use the correct localized formatting for dates, time, and numerical values when displaying messages.
Changes since 5.4.5
Attach to project wizard fixed.
NTLM Authentication for HTTP Proxies disabled.
Changes since 5.4.4
More performance enhancements.
Connection failures due to network issues do not cause a backoff event. Retries are set for one minute.
SOCKS5 authentication bug fixes. It should now work.
HTTP authentication bug fixes. Last round of performance enhancments broke http auth.
Better network communitcation tracing through flag in log_flags.xml.
Changes since 5.4.3
Performance enhancements.
Improve dialogs on Linux so they fit well on the screen and have OK buttons.
Changes since 5.4.2
Fixed a shutdown problem which was causing the manager to linger around even after the core client had shutdown.
Fixed a window flicker problem on application startup.
Changes since 5.4.1
Fix a crash when running under Win9x and screen saver passwords are enabled.
Changes since 5.4.0
Screensaver fixes when running on a machine without a graphics accelerator.
Account manager display issue.

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#2 Post by Kramusha » 12.05.2006, 08:58

Jam Jam Jam!

Also, was ich gelesen hab, is da nur die Einstellungsmöglichkeit besser. Oder gibts da noch andere Vorteile? Hab sie mal runtergeladen..

Heist dass, dass ich alle optimierten Sachen neu einspielen muss?? Das wär doof.

Seas Dobse

PS: Lang lebe Boinc, die alte Spyware^^

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#3 Post by Cheeky@Boinc » 12.05.2006, 19:28

Ich benutze im moment Version 5.2.13 und die Version 5.4.9 bringt mir da keine wirklichen neuerungen.
Heist dass, dass ich alle optimierten Sachen neu einspielen muss?? Das wär doof.
Bei so einem Versionssprung ist es angeraten mit einem "Sauberen" Ordner zu starten. Also nicht einfach nur drüberbügeln.

Sprich : Ja du wirst es neu einspielen müssen.

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#4 Post by grmbl » 12.05.2006, 21:22

Ich werd nich updaten. Ich nutze ja den trux und muss erst gucken, was der so macht ...

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#5 Post by Cheeky@Boinc » 12.05.2006, 22:20

Trux Boinc Client? Das ist dann eh doch nur eine "Benchmark" Optimierung die du zb. auch per Hand machen könntest :wink:

Bei SETI Enhanced ist der Benchmark eh nicht mehr wichtig da nach der WU skaliert wird.

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#6 Post by grmbl » 12.05.2006, 22:25

Is nich nur ne Benchmark-Optimierung. Der regelt auch die Rechenzeit nach oben ... So claime ich bei Einstein nich mehr 16 Credits pro WU, sondern 36 ... Dazu müsste ich den Benchmark echt seeeeehr doll verändern.

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#7 Post by Cheeky@Boinc » 12.05.2006, 22:36

Dazu müsste ich den Benchmark echt seeeeehr doll verändern.
Tut er. Statt:

Measured floating point speed 585.17 million ops/sec
Measured integer speed 1079.2 million ops/sec

Measured floating point speed 3843.72 million ops/sec
Measured integer speed 50527.05 million ops/sec

Das ist Gewaltig :wink:

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#8 Post by grmbl » 12.05.2006, 22:52

Ich hab dir im Forum gerade bewiesen, dass er den Benchmark optimiert und die WU-Zeiten nach oben setzt. Also Thema abgeschlossen.

Du musst jetzt wie in Hot Shots zu mir sagen: "Du Gewinner." ... Ooooooh jaaaaaa!

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#9 Post by Cheeky@Boinc » 12.05.2006, 23:37

Du Gewinner.
Nix Gewinner. Da der Trux Client nichts mit dem Einstein Client zutun hat hab ich kein unrecht :wink:

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#10 Post by grmbl » 13.05.2006, 09:33

Ach ja, und wie erklärst du dir dann das hier:

Code: Select all

??? Der hat wohl was mit Einstein zu tun. Also Ruhe jetzt da bei dir!

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#11 Post by Cheeky@Boinc » 13.05.2006, 15:14

Das hat überhaupt nix mit dem Client zutun.

Nur mit der BOINC Binary.

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#12 Post by rebirther » 03.08.2006, 11:03

5.4.11 Windows
BOINC now lets you use 'Account managers' - special web sites that let you browse BOINC projects, attach/detach, change resource share and settings, all with point-and-click simplicity. Account managers are also great if you have several computers - you just have to make changes once. A couple of excellent account managers are nearly ready for use; stay tuned to the BOINC web site for details.
Fixes a bug where a personal firewall prevents the BOINC screensaver from running, causing your computer to lock up.
General preferences can be overridden by a local file details are here.
BOINC now alerts you whenever it needs you to create a network connection.
SOCKS5 proxies are now supported
I have just released an update to the 5.4 line. McAfee
released a new version of their security suite which introduces 'proxy'
server monitors all network communication which includes the
communication between the manager and the core client.

McAfee's proxy server was automatically returning a
successful connection to the core client even though it had not yet
attempted to establish a connection to the core client. This caused the
manager to believe that the core client was already running and so it
did not attempt to launch the core client.

We now attempt to retrieve the screensaver mode from the
core client upon a successful connection which forces the McAfee proxy
to actually attempt to connect and get the data and return back any
error codes that would have normally been returned via connect.

Please have anybody who is experiencing a BOINC Manager
connection failure to update to 5.4.11 as soon as possible. Who knows
how many other security suites will be introducing this kind of feature.
It is my guess they are looking for credit card numbers or social
security numbers to warn of possible identity theft.

----- Rom

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#13 Post by rebirther » 01.02.2007, 21:07

5.8.11 Windows
* Simple GUI (Complements of World Community Grid)
* Basic CPU identification
* CPU throttling
* New CPU scheduler
* New work fetch policy
* Improved memory management

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#14 Post by rebirther » 28.02.2007, 23:05

5.8.15 Windows
- core client: don't print "finish file not found" message when app quits because of preemption
- core client: when resetting or detaching a project, if a file transfer was active for a project file, the file delete would fail because Curl still has the file open. This would cause the manager to freeze for N*5 seconds.
Fix: in CLIENT_STATE::reset_project(),delete FILE_XFER and PERS_FILE_XFER objects.
- core client: the limits on numbers of simultaneous file transfers (total and per-project) now apply to uploads and downloads separately. We don't want a situation where an upload is blocked because there are N downloads.

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#15 Post by rebirther » 04.04.2007, 16:48

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#16 Post by rebirther » 04.09.2007, 22:24

Mal zur Sicherheit:


Downloadlink im Wiki!

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#17 Post by rebirther » 21.09.2007, 09:24

Aufgrund zuvieler Probleme und auch Totalcrashs rate ich von der 5.10.20 ab, solange nicht die Fehler beseitigt wurden...

Folgende bugs bisher gefunden/beobachtet:

- DCF Zeiten total unrealistisch, Neustart von Boinc resettet die Werte trotzdem wieder wie am Anfang
- Reboot vom Rechner
- BM verliert Kontakt zum Core Client (häufiger aufgetreten)

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#18 Post by rebirther » 11.03.2008, 17:55


wurde heute nach langen Tests als "empfohlen" markiert;O=D

Mehr Infos dazu in unserem Wiki.

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#19 Post by rebirther » 30.07.2008, 18:01


mit 2 Tagen Verspätung nun endlich da.


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#20 Post by rebirther » 13.08.2008, 19:45



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