Riesel Sieve - für BOINC aufgegeben?

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Riesel Sieve - für BOINC aufgegeben?

#1 Post by rebirther » 21.07.2006, 22:02

Im Moment ist die Erstellung eines Accounts nicht möglich.

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Re: Riesel Sieve

#2 Post by WNj » 24.07.2006, 22:05

rebirther wrote:Im Moment ist die Erstellung eines Accounts nicht möglich.
Moin rebirther, lese ich die Seite falsch? Vom Text her heißt es, man möge sich mit dem User der Seite anmelden - anscheinend ist nur die boinc-Seite gemeint - und nicht die "normale" Riesel-Anmeldung? Oder gabs auch hier wieder nur ein Auswahlverfahren für besondere User?

mfG WNj
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Re: Riesel Sieve

#3 Post by rebirther » 24.07.2006, 22:12

WNj wrote:
rebirther wrote:Im Moment ist die Erstellung eines Accounts nicht möglich.
Moin rebirther, lese ich die Seite falsch? Vom Text her heißt es, man möge sich mit dem User der Seite anmelden - anscheinend ist nur die boinc-Seite gemeint - und nicht die "normale" Riesel-Anmeldung? Oder gabs auch hier wieder nur ein Auswahlverfahren für besondere User?

mfG WNj
Lt. Meldung heute, soll wieder Accounterstellung möglich sein, aber lt. Serverzeit sind es gegenüber uns -6 Std Unterschied, wenn ich Pech habe verpass ich es oder die öffnen dann ein paar Std lang.

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#4 Post by rebirther » 24.07.2006, 23:19

So, wer es geschafft hat, hier die Team-URL:
http://boinc.rieselsieve.com/orig/team_ ... php?id=404

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#5 Post by WNj » 24.07.2006, 23:54

rebirther wrote:So, wer es geschafft hat, hier die Team-URL:
http://boinc.rieselsieve.com/orig/team_ ... php?id=404
genau - bin dabei :-)
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#6 Post by rebirther » 06.08.2006, 11:37

Riesel Sieve hat immer noch massiv Probleme mit suspend/resume und ausgerechnet die crashen kurz vorm Ende dann. Außerdem braucht eine Wu ca. 10sek um erst mal zu starten. Die Performance hängt auch während der Berechnung (es hakt immer mal). Die Anzeige ist auch falsch, im Ordner liegt ne v5.19 wird aber in Boinc als 5.23 angezeigt. Da gibts noch einiges bei denen zu tun.

Zudem schreibt das Programm jede Sekunde auf die Platte, das auf Dauer auch nicht gut ist.

- keine WU auf suspend/resume setzen oder Restart

86 MB RAM ist auch schon viel für eine.

Stand v5.23

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#7 Post by rebirther » 05.10.2006, 14:29

Riesel wieder mal lange Zeit down, um die entsprechenden WUs upzuloaden, nur mit Proxy-Settings möglich: http://boinc.rieselsieve.com port 8000, sollte man andere Projekte machen muß man den Proxy wieder ausschalten. Mal sehen wie lange das noch anhält :shock:

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#8 Post by rebirther » 20.11.2006, 12:22

Neue Riesel App im Test:
We have enabled a test application using LLR. In order to crunch LLR workunits, you will need to edit your preferences for Riesel Sieve and "Allow test applications". You can set only P4 clients to run the test application using a venue (home, work, or school), and then they will run LLR as long as work is available. We plan to have processor detection/selection in the near future, but the venues will serve as a temporary workaround. If you have any questions/problems with the new LLR application, please visit the forums.
Was genau der Unterschied zur alten App ist, keine Ahnung. Falls jemand mehr weiß, bitte hier reinposten.

Des weiteren sind noch einige Datenbankprobleme vorhanden.

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#9 Post by rebirther » 23.12.2006, 18:50

Die neue llr app 5.17 sollte das leidige preempted problem lösen, wo in Pause oder hin- und herschalten der Projekte trotzdem die WU weiterlief. Eine Anpassung der app_info.xml ist nötig!

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#10 Post by rebirther » 22.06.2007, 08:40

Wollte es mal wieder machen, die haben keine "Resent lost result" Funktion und beim Zurücksenden 2er sind sie nicht angekommen???

Der Scheduler von denen hat noch nie richtig funktioniert :roll:

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#11 Post by rebirther » 22.10.2007, 16:34

2007-10-21 19:41:34 UTC Status Update 10-21
Lee and I wanted to post a notice and let everyone know that things are running well - so, we're going to start making some changes.

k=141941 is about 30 tests away from being tested to n=2^22 - far beyond the other k's we are testing. Unfortunately, a prime has not yet been yielded. We are examining where we want LLR to go next. For the time being, the shorter, double-check workunits are being run.

In the next week or so, we will be migrating from PerlBOINC to 'true' BOINC. While we do not anticipate any major problems or items of notice to the users, there may be small periods of downtime while we switch. We'll make every effort to post them in the forums beforehand. Some extra features, like the sieve & llr range pages, may not be updated or available during the transition.

We are also planning to release all new clients when we switch to the new server code. Linux 64-bit sieve will return, and we will be upgrading all the sieve clients to the latest versions of sr2sieve, with the goal of an additional speed improvement. We also will release a new DAT file for sieve at that time. LLR will receive a new wrapper, with the hopes of finally nailing the dreaded queue crash bug.

All in all, it should be a busy (and much more exciting) next couple of weeks - stay tuned for details!

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#12 Post by rebirther » 28.10.2007, 09:03

2007-10-28 01:01:35 UTC
Riesel Sieve Finds its First BOINC Prime!
Congratulations to Mackerel, who had a box turn in our first BOINC Prime this evening. The k is 469949, a relatively light k at about 29,000 k/n pairs removed. However, the test was a missed test on 1st run, highlighting the need for a proper double-check by BOINC.

We will release the full k/n pair after it is submitted to PrimePages, but it does weigh in at just over 496,000 digits. Is there another double-check prime out there? Only way to find out is to run LLR and help us hunt down the remaining 66 k's. Thank you to all the participants for helping us bring down the workload, and a special thanks to Mackerel for killing his second k.

Manual sieveing DAT file will be released in the morning; the new DAT for BOINC will be released as part of our server switch.

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#13 Post by rebirther » 10.05.2008, 09:11

2008-05-10 01:21:27 UTC Temporarily Out of Sieve WU
Due to a conflict in the wrapper, we are temporarily unable to process Sieve workunits above id #11222915. This means that currently, we are out of sieve work. A fix to the original problem has been found, but it causes further issues. It looks like, at this time, we are out of sieve workunits until mid-day Saturday at the earliest. Please refer to the forum thread http://www.rieselsieve.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1472 for more details and the latest status information.

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#14 Post by rebirther » 31.07.2008, 17:15

2008-07-31: PrimeGrid - Riesel Sieve project information
For those of you wondering what is the problem with Riesel Sieve, here is a word from BOINC side administrator Bryan:
Basically, the project creator has disappeared. People have been in contact with him, but we haven't heard any resumption date or even if things will resume. For the time being, I'm focusing my efforts on getting the non-BOINC side of the project up, as it is far easier and requires far less resources. We do not have access to any of the databases or we would have been able to restore things even without the project creator.
Our wishes for RS to return as soon as possible.

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#15 Post by rebirther » 02.09.2008, 09:48

Monday, Sep 01, 2008 8:54 pm.

"This is Lee. I will restore most of our severs at Riesel Sieve in the near future. 'Near Future' doesn't mean now...tomorrow...or two days from now. It may mean this weekend if I have the energy, time, and equipment/supplies to bring us back online. I regret the sudden suspension of our project with no notice. It was caused by forces outside my control and our project remained down until certain issues were taken care of. The last few weeks has only been laziness on my part and Bryan shouldn't be blamed for any of it. I look forward to restoring this project to its once former glory and I appreciate all the support and help each of you have given Riesel Sieve over the years. I apologize for the continued downtime since there is no valid reason beyond time and simple laziness for non-restoration from this point forward. I ask for patience but don't expect any...I would pretty jumpy too if I were in your place.

Look for servers to be up in the 'Near Future'

Lee Stephens
Riesel Sieve"

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#16 Post by rebirther » 15.02.2009, 17:34

Ob für BOINC nochmal der Server aufgesetzt wird ist fraglich, nach der ganzen Auszeit, erreichbar nur noch unter:


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