Es gibt ein neues Sieve Projekt bei Primegrid. Für die SR5 Suche werde neue Sieve-Files benötigt, daher wird nun bis n=25M und einer Tiefe von 300P gesiebt. Anwendung für Win, Linux, Mac aber CPU only. Für die Sammler gibt es auch ein neues Badge.Regarding the question of how long this sieve will last...
We're sieving all the way up to n=25M in the new sieve. For all the SR5 tests we've been doing over the years, we're first getting to n=5M now. Remember that that larger tests take much longer to run; an n=25M task should take 25 times as long to run as an n=5M task.
This means we'll be sieving much deeper into this sieve than we did in the previous SR5 sieve, where we stopped at around 12P. If we go 25 times as deep, that would be a depth of 300P. The new sieve started at 0.1P and is currently around 0.3P.
Gruß Odi